DNA Sexing On A Opaline Lovebird

DNA Sexing On A Opaline Lovebird

DNA Sexing On A Opaline Lovebird- The lovebird colour world, indeed, is waning in the years 2018-2019. The seller of the lot has a few rolls of Lovebird mats because of the fall of the Lovebird. However, the hobbyists and sellers of lovebirds still remained loyal to keeping this bird. Braga hobby already and still has the advantage in material although not of the moment is booming.

With the fall in the price of some pretty drastic colours, Lovebird makes bird is now affordable for hobbyists who formerly had ' cravings ' Birds love this, but it does not happen.

As a result, many new hobbyists hunt the Lovebird, using good visual colours or split. And this created new opportunities for fraudsters to persons in action.

Because of the ignorance of the characteristic colour of the Lovebird, it makes an easy target. Some hobbyists recently purchased a Lovebird colour-bred Opaline and shoved the DNA results with Blue/Opaline.

After breeding, they didn't show up the opaline and complained to the seller even in the block. Buy lovebird split is indeed one way of ' saving ' to get the desired colour of the Lovebird.

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Important things when buying split Opaline

Remember, this price is split, and not Lovebird is too high compared to the Lovebird has a visual colour.

No one did indeed buy a lovebird split, but we must be vigilant because buying a split means we buy of trust to the seller.

Because the split did not appear visually, we believe that our Lovebird on the seller owns the gene flow and is based on the colour characteristics of the Lovebird.

Therefore, we must be careful against unscrupulous sellers of fake splits in Lovebird forums, know well the sense of split, and breed in the future to avoid Lovebird being deceived.

I learned from my own experience because I never cheated. After all, traders showed me DNA test results, and I trusted them.

1. Get To Know Seller Lovebird

First, learn about the reputation of the seller's Lovebird, know from his friends, his home address, and the transaction with him.

The bird is the result of the person's breeding, so there is a liability. Ensure the warranty gets split; if not, it could split the money back or replace the bird again (according to the agreement only).

2. DNA testing Lovebird for Sex

I need to emphasize DNA testing on a lovebird to find out the gender from the certificate that should be trusted lovebird DNA, i.e. results of sexing.

As for other remarks, ignore them because the split information and more can be written about anything. We need to find out if he is lying.

3. DNA Test Validation

Besides the DNA results, validate the certificate by contacting the maker of the agency certification. There is usually a numeric ID that can be used to check the truth of the certificate. Here are some tips from me to avoid fraud lovebird split.