Lovebird Red Factor Fischer differs from Red Suffusion

Mutations Lovebird Red Factor

Lovebird mutation Red factor Fischer - Lately, we have been crowned a Lovebird whose price exceeds the existing Lovebird mutation.

Not pale fallow, not a dun fallow, let alone opaline that, used to be a wild lovebird market in Indonesia and the world.

Lovebird is called RF Fischer or the abbreviation of Red Factor Fischer, a Lovebird with the appearance of feathers in red or red tinge.

Combined with the latest mutation is Opaline Fischer, so it is a born beautiful Lovebird bird named Lovebird Opaline Red Factor Fischer.

Yes, because the Red Factor Lovebird mutation and this "RF Fischer Lovebird" can only happen to the Green Lovebird series, the Lovebird farmer might only pair this Lovebird Red Factor or RF with Opaline.

Because in the row of high mutation or the highest mutation of Lovebird, only Opaline is still entered into the Green series.

And do not close the possibility of a mutation of red factor PF (pale fallow) or red fallow factor if the breeder is pairing RF Fischer or Red Factor with pale fallow or dun fallow in the Green series.

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Because it is impossible to pair this lovebird red factor with Lovebird Blue series mutations. Because there will be no mutation of a red factor in the Lovebird Blue series.

This red factor is a type of mutation of psittacine or red pigment in excessive feathers.

It will not be able to appear in the Lovebird Blue series, where the Lovebird Blue series is the Lovebird mutation that has completely eliminated the whole red psittacine.

The red Lovebird is already familiar, even when I met the post in a group showing the Lovebird with a red feather.

In the comments column, it is common to debate that the posted bird is not a red factor mutation but rather a lovebird RS or red suffusion.

The difference between red suffusion vs red factor

At first glance, it looks like this Lovebird RF (Red Factor) with Lovebird RS (Red Suffusion). But actually, both birds are different.

Lovebird RS Fischer, or so-called Lovebird Red Suffusion, is a bird with liver abnormalities so that it is not excessively producing red psittacine on its feather.

The average Lovebird RS or red suffusion is happening at Lovebird Roseicollis. But not uncommon, also. Red Suffution found in Lovebird Fischer.

Now let's discuss the differences between Lovebird Red Factor and Lovebird Red Suffution so that we all understand and not be deceived when we want to buy this Lovebird.

1. Inherit mode

Lovebird Red Factor is a genetic mutation, which is the decline of its nature can be inherited through genes, although there is no definite decision about inheriting mode.

While Lovebird Red suffusion is a disease, it can also be a decrease in properties because of the inheritance of the disease.

2. Feather structure

Lovebird Red Factor Evenly red accent color in all parts of feathers, although there is still the original feather color it looks vaguely because it is covered with red color.

Whereas Lovebird Red Suffusion is uneven and usually the color motif is like a pied motif, so cross intertwined between the original feather color with the red color.
Lovebird Euwing Opaline red factor fischer

3. Rump Feather

At Lovebird Red Factor rump feathers are normally purple to reddish due to excessive red psittacine. While the Lovebird Red Suffusion of the color of the feather rump still a normal colored purple bluish.

4. Back and chest Feather

In the case of the solid Lovebird bird, between Lovebird Red Factor and Red Suffusion is very difficult to distinguish, but Kalia can be guided on the hair of the lovebird of Red Factor, there is a sparkle of red color in combination with green so that it looks like color Brownish or deep red.

While the Lovebird Red Suffusion of the back feather colors tends to be patterned between red and green color and uneven forming a brownish color.

At Lovebird Red Factor, red has emerged since lovebirds grew feathers, and the feather is also thick orange.

Meanwhile, Lovebird Red suffusion colours can appear when the Lovebird moults or replace feathers or even appear when Lovebird is old.

That's a little article on the difference between Lovebird Red Factor and Lovebird Red Suffution so that we are not fooled or just a debate in the post column.

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