Stop Pairing Euwing to Euwing Lovebird Breeding

Bad feather euwing lovebirds - Some time ago, I got a question from my friend who also did the breeding of lovebirds. He got a strange Euwing mutation chick from a Euwing X Euwing cross.

Pairing Green Euwing/Opaline (male) with Green Euwing (female) because he wanted to get Euwing Opaline from the theory applied.

It is indeed a way to get Opaline Euwing Green chicks, but there are peculiarities in the bird, especially in the condition of its plumage.

The feather looks tangled, does not expand, and is messy, unlike other Lovebird Euwing.

It has been the case since the bird grew feathers. Growing feathers look like a twist. And it is very severe in the wing feathers. And it continues until the bird has a second period of molt.

Table of Contents

Why Euwing has imperfect feathers

Euwing has bad feathers

Let's discuss the mystery of Lovebird Euwing a little first. Euwing is an incomplete dominant mutation.

This means that Euwing has no divisions. To get Euwing offspring, you must have a visual Euwing of at least one parent.

Since Euwing is an incomplete dominant mutation, euwing SF (single factor) and DF (double factor).

If we cross Euwing (SF) X Euwing (SF), there are still non-Euwing chicks that go down due to incomplete dominant mutations, But if you cross Euwing (DF) X Euwing (DF), it will get chicks 100% Euwing (SF) males and females.

We return to the discussion about Euwing having damaged and chaotic feathers. Without proper knowledge of this mutation, most people in Pakistan cross euwing (DF) X Euwing(DF).

Some don't know, and some aim to get a 100% euwing profit in later descendants.

And 80% to 90% of DF Euwings have broken feathers; because of this, their health is impaired, and most of them cannot fly. So, we should not breed Euwing(DF) X Euwing(DF) to refrain from producing unfit birds.

euwing bad feather

Result of DF Euwing X DF Euwing Breeding Lovebird

DF Euwing image has been attached for reference above. This is a small business on my part for this beautiful hobby.

Those who read this must share it with everyone to get out of the crossover Euwing(DF) X Euwing(DF) Because you see that the bird produces poor qualities in appearance and genetics.

When pairing a double dark factor (DDF), X double dark factor (DDF) bird will also be encountered, especially in mauve mutations, or what we usually call Blue DDF (double dark factor).

They will also get poor yields, wrinkled feathers, and crooked due to the buildup of melanin on the feathers. So, never pair Euwing(DF) X Euwing(DF) again.

After you get this information, you will understand and care about the beauty of Lovebird. Keep going until you go, and share this article with your friends.

bad feather euwing lovebirds