African Lovebird Mutation Variety, The popularity of lovebirds, has steadily increased since the year they were first discovered. This is not only the case in your country but also in most countries worldwide. One by one, new mutations in lovebirds have been discovered.
The diversity of Lovebird Mutation results from changes in the genetic material that affect physical appearance or other traits. Here are some of the common causes of mutations in lovebirds:
1. Lovebird Mutation Variety Due to Genetic Changes
Lovebird mutations often occur spontaneously due to changes in the DNA structure. These changes can be replacements, deletions, or additions of nucleotides (the basic units of DNA) that can affect how genes function. This spontaneous Lovebird Mutation can occur without any external factors causing the change.
2. Lovebird Mutation Variety due to Selective Breeding
Selective breeding is a method lovebird breeders use to develop and maintain specific mutations. By selecting individuals with desirable genetic traits, lovebird breeders can amplify or alter the frequency of particular mutations in the lovebird population. While selective breeding does not necessarily lead to new mutations, it can amplify and propagate existing ones.
3. Lovebird Mutation Variety due to Environmental Influences
Some Lovebird Mutations can be triggered by environmental factors that affect DNA. For example, exposure to radiation or certain chemicals can damage the DNA and result in mutations. Although this is less common than spontaneous mutations, environmental factors can contribute to genetic variation in the lovebird population.
4. Lovebird Mutation Variety due to Genetic Recombination
During the breeding process, genetic recombination occurs when chromosomes from both parents combine to form new chromosomes in the offspring. This process can result in new genetic combinations that affect the next generation of lovebirds' coat colour and other traits. While recombination does not always result in new mutations, it can trigger the appearance of new colours and patterns that did not exist before.
5. Lovebird Mutation Variety Due Integrated Genetic Mutations
Some mutations may result from changes in multiple genes or interactions between different mutations. When multiple genetic mutations combine, they can produce unique colours and patterns. Understanding how these combinations of mutations work often requires a deep understanding of bird genetics.
6. Lovebird Mutation Variety due Genetic Inheritance Patterns
Genetic inheritance also plays an essential role in the spread of mutations. Some mutations are dominant, meaning only one copy of the mutated gene is required to display the trait. In contrast, recessive mutations require two copies of the mutated gene to appear in the bird. How these genes are passed from parent to offspring can affect the frequency and appearance of mutations in a lovebird population.
Variety of African Lovebird Color Mutations complete with pictures and explanations
To support your knowledge, quickly learn the names and terms in the African Lovebird Mutation Variety; I wrote this article and accompanied it with pictures as a guide.There is also a mode of inheritance in the description that is important for you to know if you want to do selective breeding in your lovebird aviary.
Table of Contents
Aqua blue2 Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dominant pied aqua blue2
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
aqua blue1 Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: aqua blue1
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
NSL ino aqua Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: NSL ino aqua blue1
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
pastelino aqua Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: pastelino aqua
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
yellow face df euwing Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis nigrigenis
Mutation name : yellow face df euwing
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
yellow face pastel green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: yellow face pastel green
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
dominant pied D blue sf violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dominant pied D blue sf violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal Dominant
dominant pied D blue sf violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dominant pied D blue sf violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal Dominant
opaline D blue SF violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Personatus
Mutation name: opaline D blue SF violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal SL recessive
pale D blue DF violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: pale D blue DF violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
bronze fallow DD green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis nigrigenis
Mutation name: bronze fallow DD green
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
yellow face DEC ino Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: yellow face DEC ino
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
DF misty blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: misty blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal Dominant
SF slaty blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: slaty blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal Dominant
opaline dilute green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: opaline dilute green
Inherit mode: Autosomal SL recessive
dilute D blue SF violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dilute D blue SF violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
dominant edged D blue SF violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Personatus
Mutation name: dominant edged D blue SF violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal Dominant
dominant jade green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dominant jade green
Inherit mode: Autosomal dominant
dominant jade DD blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dominant jade DD blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal Dominant
dominant pied green Lovebird Mutation
Genus: Agapornis lilianae Nyasa
Mutation name: dominant pied green
Inherit mode: Autosomal Dominant
dominant pied D green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dominant pied D green
Inherit mode: Autosomal Dominant
sapphire dominant pied DD blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: sapphire dominant pied DD blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
dominant pied D green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Personatus
Mutation name: dominant pied D green
Inherit mode: Autosomal Dominant
opaline green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: opaline green
Inherit mode: Autosomal SL recessive
SF euwing green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: SF euwing green
Inherit mode: Autosomal Incomplete Dominant
bronze fallow green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Nigrigenis
Mutation name: bronze fallow green
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
dun fallow DD blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dun fallow DD blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
rare Lovebird Mutation
Genus: Agapornis hybrids
Mutation name : opaline DD green SF euwing
Inherit mode: Autosomal SL recessive
red factor DEC ino Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: red factor DEC ino
Inherit mode: Multifactorial
yellow face opaline green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: yellow face opaline green
Inherit mode: Autosomal SL recessive
Pale blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: pale blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
Pale D blue SF violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: pale D blue SF violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
pale fallow dominant-edged blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: pale fallow dominant-edged blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
Pale green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: pale green
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
pallid blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: pallid blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal SL recessive
pallid green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: pallid green
Inherit mode: Autosomal SL recessive
yellow face pastel green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: yellow face pastel green
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
yellow face green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: yellow face green
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
dun fallow DD blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dun fallow DD blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
dominant jade green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dominant jade green
Inherit mode: Multifactorial
dun fallow D blue SF violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dun fallow D blue SF violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
mottle pied D green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: mottle pied D green
Inherit mode: multifactorial
recessive pied blue DF violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: recessive pied blue DF violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
Misty Blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: misty blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal Incomplete dominant
Misty Blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: misty blue
Inherit mode: Incomplete dominant
dilute slaty blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dilute slaty blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
dominant edged blue SF violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dominant-edged blue SF violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal Incomplete dominant
pale fallow D blue DF violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: pale fallow D blue DF violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
yellow face green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: yellow face green
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
yellow face pastel green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: yellow face pastel green
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
yellow face green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis personatus
Mutation name: yellow face green
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
yellow face opaline green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: yellow face opaline green
Inherit mode: Autosomal SL recessive
yellow face pastel green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: yellow face pastel green
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
yellow face pastelino Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: yellow face pastelino
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
yellow face green Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: yellow face green
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
D blue SF violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis personatus
Mutation name : D blue SF violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
blue1blue2 Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: blue1blue2
Inherit mode: Autosomal recessive
NSL ino Opaline Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: NSL ino Opaline
Inherit mode: Autosomal SL recessive
DD blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: DD blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal Incomplete dominant
dominant edged D blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: dominant edged D blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal Incomplete dominant
dominant pied D blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Personatus
Mutation name: dominant pied D blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal Dominant
opaline slaty blue Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: opaline slaty blue
Inherit mode: Autosomal SL recessive
opaline blue1blue2 blue SF violet Lovebird Mutation
Genus : Agapornis Fischeri
Mutation name: opaline blue1blue2 blue SF violet
Inherit mode: Autosomal SL recessive