Characteristics of Agapornis Aqua Blue2

Characteristics of Agapornis Aqua Blue2

The aqua blue2 mutation is one of three known categories of aqua mutations. In the previous article, I have written about the characteristics of aqua blue1. Now, I will explain the essential characteristics of Aqua Blue2.

In theory, Aqua blue2 is a combination phenotype of the cross (aqua x blue2); you must know that blue2 is a new allele in the PPR (Partial Psittacine Reduction) mutation sequence.

So, of course, if the cross is codominant, it will display the middle phenotype of the parents. Regardless, Aqua Blue2 lovebirds are Aqua in blue mode. The phenotype of the Aqua blue2 lovebirds is unique and complicated to explain. It is blue1 but still leaves traces of psittacine in certain areas.

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Characteristics of Agapornis Aqua Blue2 lovebirds mutation

Even in some cases of Aqua crosses with certain mutation combinations, you will find aqua blue2 phenotypes with a dominant yellow body coat colour resembling the green series of eye rings.

Let's learn about the characteristics of the Fischeri Aqua Blue2 lovebird, from the colour of its body feathers, mask, and tail to its genetic inheritance.

The beak color of Agapornis aqua blue2

Characteristics of Agapornis Aqua Blue2

The beak colour of Agapornis aqua blue2 is very different from aqua blue1. The reduction of red psittacine seems to be almost complete, so the beak colour on aqua blue2 will be the same as that on blue1, "pink haze."

This is also true when aqua blue2 is 1 - 3 months old; the beak will be yellowish orange like the same-aged blue1 chicks.

Broadly speaking, aqua blue1, blue1blue2, and aqua blue2 are easily distinguished. The colour of the beak is the main point that distinguishes the three.

Mask and head colour of Agapornis aqua blue2

Characteristics of Agapornis Aqua Blue2
Characteristics of Agapornis Aqua Blue2
Characteristics of Agapornis Aqua Blue2

There are several versions of the head colour of blue2 lovebirds, the first being yellow on a white background and the second being "cantaloupe" on a white background. However, both types must be characterized by a chalky, pale colour.

Broadly speaking, the difference between aqua blue1 and blue2 is straightforward. Because they have the characteristic of being "intense vs pale" in colour.

The aqua blue2 head colour tends to be more evenly distributed, covering the forehead to the breast, unlike the blue1blue2/parblue head colour, which leaves a more intense orange colour in the forehead area than other sites.

Although in some cases, there are blue1blue2 that do not have intense colour marks on the forehead like aqua blue2, the primary colour of the blue1blue2 mask is still bright yellow.

The image shows that despite being the same combination with the dominant pied, aqua blue2 and blue1blue2 still have different head colours.

Agapornis aqua blue2 body plumage color.

The body coat colour of the aqua blue2 will tend to have an even yellow hue. Although the blue allele is more dominant, you can depict the blue series on a yellow background.

At first glance, it will resemble blue1blue2/parblue. Still, in Aqua blue2, the yellow colour of the body feathers tends to be evener, unlike blue1blue2/parblue, where sometimes only certain areas stand out, while other sites look faintly yellow and even white.

Aqua blue2 contrasts with the almost complete reduction of the head feathers, but the body feathers of Aqua blue2 lovebirds still always leave an intensive yellow psittacine. So, some people call them Whitefaced Fischeri.

Opaline aqua blue2, pastel aqua blue2, NSL ino aqua blue2, euwing aqua blue2, and pale fallow Aqua blue2 combination phenotypes are some perfect examples to further highlight the strong characteristics of aqua blue2.

And to keep the characteristics of aqua blue2 consistent, you don't need to cross with the blue1/blue series. It will only worsen in the next generation.

Agapornis aqua blue2 tail pattern colour

Characteristics of Agapornis Aqua Blue2

Similar to other PPR (Partial Psittacine Reduction) mutations such as blue1, blue2, and also blue1blue2/parblue, the aqua blue1 tail pattern colour will follow the colour of the head, which is "cantaloupe" on a white background or type 2 cream on a white background.

The aqua blue2 Opaline combination is the best example, and you can clearly see the difference in tail pattern colour between aqua blue2 vs blue1blue2/parblue and aqua blue1.

However, in some cases, the combination of aqua blue2 with opaline will have a mustard yellow tail colour pattern.

From some of the descriptions of the characteristics of Aqua Blue2 above, I hope you can have input regarding this matter.

Some example combinations of Agapornis aqua blue2

Characteristics of Agapornis Aqua Blue2
Characteristics of Agapornis Aqua Blue2
Characteristics of Agapornis Aqua Blue2
Characteristics of Agapornis Aqua Blue2