Differences in characteristics of agapornis Lutino mutations

agapornis Lutino mutations

Differences in characteristics of Agapornis Lutino mutations The old hobbyists are undoubtedly familiar with how Lutino has its own characteristics in each Agapornis sub-species.

But for young hobbyists, Lutino is the same bird, a bird with a full yellow body feather and a red-orange head.

Some, like Lutino, are on the complete red-orange head phenotype, commonly called sable. It doesn't matter because it's about taste and how you like, but literacy is not necessarily true.

In fact, lutinos are the same as other Agapornis mutations. They have different phenotype characteristics in each species.

Even on the show, they are distinguished and grouped according to species in each class. According to the table of mutations by Ornito Genetics,

The Lutino mutation is the original mutation in the Agapornis Lilianae Nyasa. We can confirm that Lutino Fischeri, Lutino Personatus, and Lutino Nigrigenis are the result of the transmutation process.

So we will be closely related to high hybridity, whether the Lutino we have is on the right track or the hybrid.

For this reason, some of the descriptions below aim to explore how each species gives a phenotype difference even in the same Lutino Mutation.

Differences in lutino mutation characteristics of various lovebirds species

Characteristics of Agapornis Lutino Fischeri

agapornis Lutino mutations

Lutino Fischeri is the most developed species, as this phenotype is most attractive to new hobbyists. It is often referred to as lutino sable.

- Orange feathers on the mask tend to be thicker, forming the distinctive curve of the Fischeri mask.
- The intense orange from the forehead gradually fades to the chest border but is still clearly visible, the color of the crossing.
- Some show more yellow wash towards the stomach, but most orange colors almost meet the crop.

Characteristics of Agapornis Lutino Personatus

agapornis Lutino mutations

Masked Lutino is less desirable because the orange on the head only forms a mask and is not a sable favored by many hobbyists.

- Orange feathers on the head are not so lit; you could liken the hybrid personatus to pastels and pied personatus.
- Feathers on the cheeks and under the beak are generally slightly white shades. Not because of hybrids, but that's the characteristic of lutino personatus.

Characteristics of Agapornis Lutino lilianae Nyasa

agapornis Lutino mutations

Like Lutino Personatus, this type of Lutino nigrigenis is also rarely in demand because it is a less attractive phenotype.

- Orange fur mixed with yellow on the upper head.
- Feathers on the cheeks also have shades of white.
- The orange on the chest also forms a tie as in the wild type.
- Red eyes in Lutino nigrigenis have a white ring in the pupil, as in the wild type; they also have different eyes.
- The beak generally has a degradation of color between the base of the beak and the end of the beak.

Characteristics of Agapornis Lutino Nigrigenis

agapornis Lutino mutations

Lutino Lilianae Nyasa is arguably the original Lutino in the eye ring. At first glance, it is almost the same as a personatus with a more intense orange color.

- The orange color on the head feathers almost meets up to the back.
- The color of the front is only on the neck, not up to the chest like their wild type.

Their red eyes also have a white ring, as in Lutino nigrigenis. There is also a milder red degradation at the base of the beak, then deep red at the end of the brim.

With us knowing the difference between Lutino and each of these species, it is expected that no more hybrids have sprung up as there have been so many recent posts about the very.

Orange Lutino full on the head feathers, which are Lutino Fischeri x Lutino Personatus hybrids. It can also be helpful for those of you who are just starting.

Out for Lutino as a show bird. Keep you from entering the wrong category of your Lutino.