Agapornis Lutino Personatus Breeding Selection Guide

Lutino Personatus - The Breeding Selection aims to obtain a generation superior to its elders in size, shape, and even resistance to the disease.

In the hobby of Agapornis, the breeding selection is more aimed at getting a generation of show birds. Birds with characteristics follow the rules set by the association of show providers.

The seniors of Agapornis Breeders have been conducting breeding selection for many years. There has been a regulation of Agapornis show formulated. And, of course, this will continue to grow in the future.

Lutino Personatus

Breeding lutino Personatus mutations may have become commonplace among hobbyists who are serious regarding quality in Agapornis.

For new hobbyists, it is generally just breeding. To select the results of crossing on Agapornis in their aviary, not necessarily all can and do it.

Some young hobbyists need clarification about how to start selecting their aviaries. Only a few know the regulations for the breeding of Agapornis Lutino personatus.

In past articles, I have written about distinguishing between Lutino Fischeri, Lutino Personatus, and Lutino Nigrigenis to Lutino Lilianae Nyasa.

In this article, I will give a general explanation for you to start breeding selection on Agapornis lutino personatus.

The first step to start crossing with the Green Normal Personatus you have is undoubtedly close to the association regulations in your place.

Let's simplify it to Green Normal Personatus x Lutino Personatus. From such pairs, all chicks are green / NSLino with the hope that in F1, you get a green bird / NSLino with a clear bloodline first.

The bloodline of Agapornis personatus. Breeding tests should be done on this young F1 x F1 personatus, green/NSLino x Green/NSLino.

When you find the pair's lutino personatus phenotype chicks, you should pay attention to this.

Selective breeding of Lutino based on Personatus lovebirds characteristics

Mask Area on Lutino personatus

Lutino Personatus Mask
Detailed image of Lutino personatus mask

In the wild-type personatus, the head consists of red and Yellow psittacine, but melanin dominance forms a black mask on the head. That's why personatus is also called Black Masked.

But in the lutino mutation, Melanin is completely gone, so it should only be red and yellow psittacine occupying the lutino personatus mask.

Lutino Personatus Mask
Detailed image of Lutino personatus mask

So, what appears on the Lutino personatus mask is a pale orange hue but still forms the characteristic mask personatus.

Avoid selecting lutino personatus with orange patches on the neck and mask boundary line, indicating they are still close to Fischeri and lilianae Nyasa hybrids.

Neck Area on Lutino personatus

Lutino Personatus neck area
Neck Area on Lutino personatus

Choose lutino personatus chicks with a yellow area on the thorough neck feathers.

This area starts from under the cheek to the crop. If in the wild type personatus, this can be easily seen. But in lutino personatus, Melanin in the body hair has also wholly disappeared, so a yellow color should appear to envelop the tail.

Meanwhile, the area of the back neck feathers, starting from 3/4 of the back of the head to the tail, should be perfectly yellow.

Some of the judges' show preferred the yellow necklace to close perfectly until it formed a mask that appeared to encircle all parts of the head of the lutino personatus.

There should only be two colors on the lutino personatus: yellow for the body to the neck and orange for the head.

Finding a lutino personatus with a full circular mask model on the head is problematic. Basically, the wild-type personatus only has a black mask covering only the face to the crown.

You can get the condition of the perfect circular mask from the best selection of birds of the senior breeding Agapornis.

Beak shape Lutino Personatus

Beak shape Lutino Personatus
Illustrative image of how the beak should take shape

Choose Lutino Personatus chicks with the slimmest beak shape. Regulation of show birds always leads to harmonization.

And the shape of the beak is a thing that can support the harmonization of appearance.

Indeed, the basis of the wild-type personatus has a thick beak model, but this is the function of breeding selection.

You have to choose the best from the birds in your cage. The shape of the upper beak that directly leads to the crop or neck is your goal. It's not too thick for the outer half.

While the inner beak chooses one that is mainly covered by chin feathers. The most important thing is that the beak is perfectly closed.

Lutino Personatus Forehead

Personatus NSLino Forehead
Lutino Personatus Forehead

Choose Lutino Personatus chicks with a slightly protruding forehead shape and look wide from the front; this can affect the angle of view for the head to look large and full.

The average champion bird on personatus does have a prominent forehead shape. Of course, it must be in the right portion. I also prioritize harmonization with the outer beak to make it look more slender.

Lutino Personatus Head Shape

Lutino Personatus Head Shape
Lutino Personatus Head Shape

Choose Lutino Personatus chicks with a coin round head shape; this shape should start from the forehead to the back, forming a perfect curve.

The back of the head should also be pulled straight up to the tail. Avoid the shape of the head with a slight protruding on the back, and significantly avoid the shape with a crest on the back.

Eyes on Lutino Personatus

Choose lutino personatus chicks with the eye position centred on the head. It doesn't have to be measured for sure. Just make sure the eye is located in the middle of the head.

Sometimes Lutino also adversely affects the shape of the eye, often oblong eyes and looks deformed. Avoid choosing such an eye shape and focus on choosing the perfect round eye shape.

Body Size Choose Lutino Personatus

Chicks with a size of at least 15cm from head to tail end. Lengthier and larger would be nice, avoiding breeding birds too small for personatus species. The standard approved by the BVA is 14.5cm - 15.5cm. It may differ from other association regulations.

personatus lutino
Harmonization (DECino, but resembles Lutino)

When you have Lutino Personatus chicks with the above criteria, the following job is to crossback with normal green from other lineages that will significantly help your next appointment.

Or it could be a cross back with a normal green grandfather from the first lineage if you don't have enough money to buy a new bloodline for normal green. Of course, there will be progress in the next generation with consideration.

But you need to note that too often, cross-backs or inbreeding will gradually be on the quality of both sizes and health, and the most fatal is a disability. Of course, your aviary job will be easier for hobbyists who already have a Lutino Personatus Mutation with good quality.

The regulations in each association can be different. You must know very well how your association provides rules. But broadly speaking, the criteria above have become a good base for you to start a bloodline in your aviary.

© Lovebird Mutations Guide. Developed by Jago Desain